Red Deer Photographer | First Blush Photography » Red Deer Photographer servicing wedding and portrait photography needs

Happy Mother’s Day 2015 | Red Deer Photographer in Calgary

Photography Marathons are a ton of work – they always are and always will be when you a photographer that shoots on-location.  You must find a location, book it, pay for it (if your renting) and haul around $10,000-$15,000 worth of equipment with you.  You also get to figure out how to best shoot in a location much of the time you have never been in before, not to mention just get in the door.  This girl writing this article has NEVER EVER used a lock box before and was it ever evident when it took me an extra 10 minutes to try and get into the building.  Sigh.  It is always exciting when you are somewhere new.

At the beginning of April, I had the Honor and privilege to photograph 13 MoM’s that registered for the 1st Annual Celebrate Mom sessions near downtown Calgary. This session was created with two major goals in mind. The first goal was to create beautiful images for the normal MoM (or Mom) that, like myself, is always behind the camera. My husband has thousands of pictures of him with the children that I have snapped since my oldest was born 4.5 years ago and even more since the triplets were born 2.5 years ago. What about me though? Why am I not able to convince my husband to take a picture of me with my kids regularly (without cuing)? Why is the majority of the pictures I have with my kids taken ‘selfie’ style (without that handy selfie stick which I still plan to invest in one day)? These sessions were created and designed with a simple idea in mind; to allow MoM to embrace the moment with each of her children in a special way that would be captured forever all while looking beautiful and completely natural.

The second goal was to create an opportunity to give back to the club that has helped so many families with so many aspects of multiple parenting. I know for myself belonging to this club had been life changing in so many ways, from the resources I was able to access, to having an opportunity to sell all of my newborn and baby crap…yes…I refer to all of that nonsense as crap…especially the three baby lounge chairs I used to nearly break my toes on every time I caught one walking by…that crap. Most importantly though it created a forum to allow me to connect with other MoM’s when I was the most vulnerable after finding out we were expecting triplets and not just the one little peanut we planned on giving Jakie a little sibling. Since that time, I can say that I have met so many beautiful women who were blessed with multiple children, no matter the circumstances and I am so proud to call many of these women my friends. Friends that struggle like I do, friends that get really excited when they have the opportunity to go have some fun (for me that is around 3x a year so you know we really like to get down) and friends that spend every living second of their lives loving and caring for their little army’s that require a non-stop level of care and feeding that exhaust them and push your finances to the edge of reasonable insanity much of the time.

While I have not disclosed the total fundraising amount yet (there is still time to bump up the amount with additional purchase items) I can say that for the first time either First Blush Photography or the TTMAC has participated in such a fundraising initiative we did not too bad :). We did not reach our fundraising goal but we decided to make that into a positive instead of a negative… First Blush Photography is pleased to announce that we will be returning in a month or two to do a Celebrate Dad session that I will also open up to MoM’s that didn’t get to join us this last round. The fundamental purpose of this session is again to fundraise for the TTMAC, but also to Celebrate Dad…the guy with a million snapshots of him and the kids but not worthy of a spot on the wall. Both of these sessions are categorized as Heirloom sessions…creating images that your children and grandchildren will love and cherish forever and that is so important for self esteem and feeling of belonging for both your children and you as well.

Thank you to all the beautiful and radiant participants of the Celebrate Mom session and I look so forward to you seeing your completed images and providing a memento of a beautiful 10 minutes that you brought joy and love into your children’s hearts and made them feel like the only children in the world. You can see the love, security and freedom to be who they are all over their faces.

**** First Blush Fine Art Photography primarily shoots newborn and child fine art portraits (in both classic and creative style), as well as family, maternity and engagement/wedding. First Blush Fine Art Photography is award winning and can create amazing themed shoots for your children, or more classic if you prefer.

Please visit my website at for more information and don’t forget that all TTMAC members receive 10% off of their session selections (but doesn’t apply to the session fee).


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  • Ginger Bowes

    BEAUTIFUL PICTURES SUZIE!!! Thank you so much for creating such amazing memories for all these MoMs. Your work is stunning and I so look froward to participating in your next shoot as I was unable to make this one…

    Thank you VERY much for running this as a Fundraiser for TTMAC. The funds you have raised will go towards creating memories for all TTMAC families…



  • Kim Lundteigen

    Suzie, you are an amazing photographer. All of these portraits are fabulous. Every picture there is a beautiful smile. You have captured the pure love and joy in every smile. You are very gracious with all the time and effort you give to all the TTMAC families. I am honored to call you my friend.

  • Lori Helgeland

    Gorgeous pictures! I’m sure all the MoMs treasure them! Here’s hoping I get to join that list sometime soon. . .