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A perfect partnership – Central Alberta Doulas & First Blush Photography

I have to admit – when I first met Christine Catherall it was pretty unconventional.  We met on and we were talking about a Bumble Diaper Bag that I was looking at buying.  We had just moved to the Red Deer – Central Alberta area and I never gave it much more thought.  We did “see each other” on Facebook from time to time in groups but she was an acquaintance that was lovely but that I knew nothing about – flash forward almost five years later and we have a partnership made in heaven – Central Alberta Doulas & First Blush Photography has united. Fast forward and I had become pregnant with triplets and somehow, I don’t really remember how, we began to talk again.  Christine was looking to getting some hours in to become a Doula, which I had when I got pregnant with my first child – well…when we moved to the Red Deer Area when I was 37 weeks pregnant.  I knew what they were about and how much they can help, but I really wasn’t sure if she was just a crazy lady wanting to get in with the newest set of triplets on the block (sorry Christine – lol). Christine tried for months to get me on board with having her as a Doula but I was really overwhelmed with my pregnancy as well as having a 2 year old at home and multiple extended family drama.  If you know me you know I don’t do drama so having that extra on my plate during my gestation really was going to push me over the edge – but what she offered next was invaluable.


Three beautiful babies – the most precious triplets you have ever seen.

Christine had offered me the opportunity to provide support through Post Partum Doula work.  I really had no idea what that meant but she offered to do laundry and dishes and I thought that was a pretty sweet deal, so I accepted. Fast forward again to when I had my three beautiful children.  I carried my triplets to almost 36 weeks and so we had a very short NICU stay at the Red Deer Regional Hospital (17 days) but while I was there Christine popped in to meet them after she was finished with another client’s birth across the hall.  I have never met a lady that was as genuinely excited about my children as she was completely un-intrusive and so excited that they were here – healthy, happy and beautiful. Having Christine come to the home in the following months was life saving for me. We scheduled her to start coming once my mom left when the babies were three months old.  It probably was not the most ideal time for her as I am sure post partum doula services specialize in fresh from the hospital babies but she never once complained.  She was one of the few visitors I would allow in the house seeing how I had 4 children under 2.5 years old and my house and life was a mess…let’s not forget I would normally go several days without showering – I was just too tired, and all the experts agree that babies have to get used to your smell…right??? I was so lonely at the time – Red Deer Alberta was not really “new” but I was still very isolated in my town and our closest family was 3 hours away.  She would come and just sit and let me ramble on about anything that was going through my mind…anything at all…then wait as I would forget what I was talking about.  She would help to feed babies.  She would play and interact with the babies.  She would bring crafts and Timbits for my oldest who was trying his hardest to adjust – Christine would be forever known to him as the “donut and Pom Pom lady” as she would always bring Pom Pom’s for him to make crafts with, or scoot around the house with.  She was a lifesaver for committing that time to Jakie alone – she always made him feel special and she was one of the few new people that would come into our home that he actually liked and didn’t freak out over. I need to add that she was also vomited on MANY times…and peed on…normally by my Baby B –*** Ok. So how does all this work into a business partnership? Christine has always been one of my number one fans and when I found out that she was building a Doula Business in Red Deer Alberta I contacted her about possibly providing some artwork for her walls and the relationship grew even further into an awesome partnership where First Blush Photography – Red Deer Photographer has created exclusive discounts available ONLY for customers of Central Alberta Doulas.  I am not talking a few pennies here and there – I am talking heavily discounted sessions and products. These two beautiful images are of my very first customer from Central Alberta Doulas and while we are still waiting on her baby to be finished being baked, she made for one of the most beautiful maternity sessions I have ever shot.  You can read more about her session here.


The cold was no match for the beauty of pregnancy.


A maternal figure that is perfect and monumental.

If you are considering a doula, Central Alberta Doulas should definitely be one of your phone calls.  The support you will receive will be priceless.

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  • Eleshia

    A great match and a wonderful article. Congrats

  • Kristen Jerrett

    Beautiful portrait photography! I love the lighting in your images, that maternity photo is fantastic!

  • Thank you so much Kristen! I really appreciate the nice comment – those maternity session images were outstanding. First time I had used my light in a LONG time – lol.

  • OMG, girl, you are saint! My son is 2 (and 3 months) and I CANNTO imagine have 3 new babies now at once!!! Aaaaaaaa. I even hate the question about the second possible one! Let me rest people and get back to where I’m supposed to be…. Well, you do a great job girl and you are lucky to have friends and doulas! 🙂 Beautiful photography too!

  • That could be the kindest thing I have ever read about me Anna – lol. Thank you so much for the compliment.

  • I think it is a wonderful opportunity to partner with a doula! Congrats! I wish you both the best!

  • Thank you so much Corey! I really appreciate that feedback.

  • OK, the triplets are too adorable!!! God bless you for being able to take care of three babies at once! And it sounds like you have a fabulous partnership with Christine. Her doula clients will love working with you to take their maternity photos!

  • Thank you Jamie for letting me know that original link didn’t work well..
    Thank you also for the lovely compliment. I will tell you though three infants are and will always be less work than a 2.5 year old. It’s a fact. Lol.

  • Becky

    Wow! Just gorgeous!

  • Lisa

    I love your photos! You’re very talented!

  • Great story. Wishing you much success.

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